Custom pipe and tube UV curing systems

Custom pipe and tube UV curing system

Noblelight designs and builds custom engineered UV curing systems for coating metal pipe, rubber hose, plastic tubing, and other linear products with round, square or other profile shapes. Typically, the pipe or product moves horizontally through the UV curing chamber with the UV lamps positioned strategically around the circumference to cure the entire exterior pipe surface. As the diameter and/or shape of the pipe increases, so does the number of lamps required.


  • Engineered UV processors available in single or multiple rows oriented in a radial configuration.
  • Rotary stainless steel shutter tube available to provide mechanical lamp protection. Includes pneumatic shutter actuation.
  • Motorized lift system to center lamps around various product sizes.
  • Upper portion of UV processor hinges open for maintenance access to cure chamber.
  • Silicone product profile sheets available at product entry & exit points for additional light containment.
  • Welded steel construction, powder-coated finish.