
Heraeus AMLOY Technologies GmbH
Heraeus High Performance Coatings

Heraeusstraße 12-14
63450 Hanau

phone: +49 (0) 6181/35-0
E-Mail: info[at]

Registered at the commercial register of the district court of Hanau (Amtsgericht Hanau) under register number HRB 93692.

Sales Tax ID No.: DE 310 975 939

Heraeus AMLOY Technologies GmbH is represented by its managing directors Dr. André Kobelt and Rolf Wetzel.

Responsible according to Section 55 (2) of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV):

Ilka Verena Luck

Heraeus High Performance Coatings

Heraeusstraße 12-14, 63450 Hanau