5184744 - EC-Series - Polymer Encapsulated Pt Temperature Sensor

The EC-Series contains sensor assemblies with a robust polymer encapsulation of Pt-RTD M-types. The EC type sensors combine precision and reliability. They find ideal use in e-motors for BEV´s or high end industrial motors, however the adaptability of the design allows tailoring to applications like industrial automation, analytical equipment, battery temperature monitoring or EV charging plugs.


Technical Data

  • Type: EC-Series
  • Nominal Resistance R₀ [Ω]: Pt1000
  • Temperature Coefficient (TCR): 3850
  • Tolerance Class: F 0.3 (B)
  • Min. Temp. °C: -50
  • Max. Temp. °C: 200
  • Min. Tolerance Temp. °C: -50
  • Max. Tolerance Temp. °C: 200

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The information provided in this data sheet describes certain technical characteristics of the product, but shall not be qualified or construed as quality guarantees whatsoever. Furthermore, the information provided in this data sheet does not constitute a warranty, implied or express, whatsoever, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or use. The information provided in this data sheet regarding measurement values (including, but not limited to, response time, long-term stability, vibration and shock resistance, insulation resistance and self-heating) are average values that have been obtained under laboratory conditions in tests of large numbers of the product. Product results or measurements achieved by customer or any other person in any production, test, or other environment may vary depending on the specific conditions of use.

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